Radiance Cache Splatting: A GPU-Friendly Global Illumination Algorithm

Sibenik Cathedral    Castle    Sponza Atrium    Cornell Box

Fast global illumination computation is a challenge in several fields such as lighting simulation and computer-generated visual effects for movies. To this end the irradiance caching algorithm is commonly used since it provides high-quality renderings in a reasonable time. However this algorithm relies on a spatial data structure in which nearest-neighbors queries and data insertions are performed alternately within a single rendering step. Due to this central and permanently modified data structure, irradiance caching algorithm cannot be easily implemented on graphics hardware. We propose a novel approach to first bounce glossy global illumination using irradiance and radiance cache: the Radiance Cache Splatting. This method directly meets the processing constraints of graphics hardware since it avoids the need of complex data structure traversal.

    - Pascal Gautron, Jaroslav Krivanek, Kadi Bouatouch, Sumanta Pattanaik
       Radiance Cache Splatting: A GPU-Friendly Global Illumination Algorithm
       Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2005
    - Pascal Gautron, Jaroslav Krivanek, Kadi Bouatouch, Sumanta Pattanaik
       Radiance Cache Splatting: A GPU-Friendly Global Illumination Algorithm
        SIGGRAPH 2005 Sketches

Radiance Cache Splatting can be used for both interactive, on-the-fly global illumination computation or offline, high quality rendering.

Interactive sessions
Castle Sam Sibenik
Castle (9.6MB) Sam (3.1MB) Sibenik Cathedral (8MB)

High quality renderings
Sibenik Cathedral (21MB) Sponza Atrium (10.4MB) Diffuse-Glossy Venus (4.4MB)

Radiance Cache Splatting is part of the Radiance Caching Project